How to select a cheap web hosting?

The most common question that most of the new site holders are asking what the cheapest hosting web is. There are so many things to consider when choosing an affordable and reliable web host. But before we start we should have to answer a few questions to choose a cheap web hosting. Below are some of the questions and if we can answer those questions properly then we don’t have to hesitate to choose our hosting plan.

   o   How much money do we want to spend for our website?

   o   What do we want to sell on our web site?

   o   Should we use a blog?

   o   How much traffic there may be on site every day?

   o   Do we want to sell our website?

So if we can answer those questions then we can understand our needs and the whole process goes really simple.

There are many types of host those you should consider.

Types of webhost:-


If our website gets tons of traffic from Google’s SERP or Social media or from paid SEO (Search Engine Optimization) then we have to think about dedicated web host because it can manage lots of visitors and our website will not be down.


We always want to decrease the page loading time of our website. We mostly use Google webmaster tools and other tools to check out our website loading time but we can do it by buying a cloud web host. Because it will show files, folders to our website user based on their geographic location. If a man browses our site from California then he will access California server and the web page will appear to him faster.

Shared hosting:-

Most of the websites on the web is running on shared hosting because it is cheap and website runs on shared hosting smoothly. There are many secure web hosting company giving attractive plan for shared hosting. It is the best hosting plan for our online business.


So considering the above things we can easily choose a cheap and affordable web hosting plan. There are also 4 things to consider when choosing an affordable web site hosting for your e-commerce business